What is the responsiblity of the Title IX Coordinator?
The Title IX coordinator’s primary responsibility is to coordinate the school district’s compliance with Title IX, including the school district’s grievance procedures for resolving associated complaints. In addition, the following responsibilities apply:
Understand Title IX to ensure that procedural requirements of the legislation are being met. This means developing a working knowledge of Title IX, having a copy of the law available and understanding its requirements. To meet this responsibility, coordinators need to keep informed of current research and legal and judicial decisions related to Title IX.
Ensure the school district is complying with Title IX. This involves reviewing school district policies to ensure that it is not discriminating based on sex and that information about the school district’s practices, including counseling, are non-discriminatory.
Coordinate the grievance procedure for Title IX complaints which includes assisting students and parents in filing and investigating the concerns or issues.
Work to decrease sex discrimination in the school district. This is done by providing technical assistance to other district personnel through program development and in-service training to eliminate sex discrimination and to promote gender equity. Also, these efforts include finding and implementing programs to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination. It is necessary to conduct student surveys to determine athletic interest of all students and ensure that budget and participation are proportionate for both sexes.
Karen Omiatek, MTSD Title IX Coordinator
609-298-2037 Ext. 2110